Previous Awards
The papers receiving these awards were selected from a set of outstanding papers,
based on the quantitative and qualitative classifications as well as comments provided
by the program committee reviewers, their final classification as full paper and
their oral presentation at the conference.
icSPORTS 2013
Best Paper Award
Signal Processing and Motor Behavior
Turn Detection and Characterization with Inertial Sensors
Sean Pearson, Martina Mancini, Mahmoud El-Gohary, James McNames and Fay Horak
Best Student Paper Award
Health, Sports Performance and Support Technology
Fully Organic Graphene Oxide-based Sensor with Integrated Pump for Sodium Detection
Jingfeng Huang, James Harvey, Hu Chen, Steve Faulkner, James King, Myra A. Nimmo and Alfred Tok I. Y.