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Conference Chair

Carlo Capelli
Neuroscience, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences, Department of Neuroscience, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences, University of Verona

Brief Bio
Dr Capelli graduated in Medicine at the University of Milano on 1984. He worked as research assistant of Human Physiology at the University of Udine from 1988 to 2000 and, then, as associate professor until 2006, when he was appointed Full Professor at the University of Verona. It is author of more that 80 papers published in international scientific, peer-reviewed journals. He has been the coordinator of the PhD course in Exercise Sciences, University of Verona. A present, he is on leave from the Univeristy of Verona and he has been appointed full professor of human physiology at the Department of Physical Perfo rmances, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Oslo, Norway from 2105 to 2019. The main scientific fields of interest of Dr. Capelli are the respiratory responses during exercise and the adaptation of humans to microgravity and disuse/training. He is member of the Italian Physiological Society, of the American College of Sports Medicine of the European College of Sport Sciences and of the American Physiological Society. Dr. Capelli spent several periods of study and work in foreign institutions: SUNY at Buffalo (USA), 1993 – 1994, Moscow (Russia), 1995, Ames NASA Centre, Moffet Field (USA), 1995, NASA Lyndon Johnson Space Centre, 1995 e 1996, Cologne (G), 2001, 2002 and 2003. He has been the co-ordinator of the study “Cardiopulmonary consequences of short-term bedrest in humans” (2001-2003 Short-Term Bed- Rest – Integrated Physiology study, Cologne, funded by the European Space Agency; he participated as co-investigator to several bed rest campaigns funded by the Italian Space Agency. He is responsible of the local unit of the multicentre project funded by ESA “ASTRONAUT EXERCISE PRESCRIPTIONS PROMOTING HEALTH AND FITNESS ON EARTH” coordinated by Prof. Tesch, Karolinska Inst., Sweden. Title of the local project: “CARDIOVASCULAR AND SKELETAL MUSCLE RESPONSES TO CHRONIC CONCURRENT EXERCISE USING FLYWHEEL TECHNOLOGY IN OLD MEN”. He has been funded as responsible of a local unit by the Italian Minister of University and Research, by the Italian Space Agency and by a local charity for a study on motor disability and exercise capacity in cerebral palsy ... More >>


Program Chair

Andrea Aliverti
Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria, Politecnico di Milano

Brief Bio
Andrea Aliverti (MSc in Electronic Engineering, 1992, PhD in Bioengineering, 1997) is Full Professor at the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering (DEIB) at the Politecnico di Milano where he teaches Sensors and Instrumentation Technologies and Bioengineering of the Respiratory System. He also teaches Biomedical Electronics and Instrumentation at the MedTec Course in Medicine and Biomedical Engineering (Politecnico di Milano-Humanitas University). From 2014 to 2021, he has been the Chairman (Coordinatore) of the PhD Programme in Bioengineering at the Politecnico di Milano.
He is responsibl
e of Lares (Respiratory Analysis Lab) at the Biomedical Technology Laboratory (TBM-Lab). His actual main research interests include the bioengineering of the respiratory system, physiological measurements, biomedical instrumentation and sensors and functional lung imaging. Specific research areas of interest include respiratory mechanics (modeling of interactions between respiratory and cardiovascular system, human respiratory muscle action, exercise), biomedical instrumentation (optoelectronic and double plethysmography, noninvasive physiological measurements of ventilation, blood gases, blood pressure, human activity, stress), pulmonary functional imaging (CT, MRI, ultrasonography and in-vivo microscopy), wearable technology (development of new methods and systems for continuous monitoring of physiological variables), sport technology, artificial intelligence applied to physiological data, signal and images.
He has been technical coordinator of the EU funded Projects BREATH , BREATH-PGC and CARED (Computer Assisted Rehabilitation for Respiratory Diseases), responsible of the activities of the Politecnico di Milano of the EU funded Projects PLANHAB (Planetary Habitat Simulation) and HOLOZCAN, two NIH funded Projects and several industry-funded projects.
He is author or co-author of >280 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals, 15 book chapters, editor of 4 books, inventor in 15 patents.
He is member of the editorial board of the Journal of Applied Physiology (American Physiological Society), Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology, Breathe, Sensors, Metrology.
He is an active member of the IEEE, ERS (European Respiratory Society) (Secretary of the Group 4.03 - Respiratory Structure and Function (2009-2011), Chair of the Group 4.01- Clinical Physiology and Exercise (2011-2014), Secretary (2014-2017) and Head (2017-2020) of Assembly 4 - Clinical physiology, sleep and pulmonary circulation. Member of the Educational Council (2014-2017), Science Council (2017-2020) and Executive Committee (2017-2020). Member of the working group on Digital Health.), SIP/IRS (Italian Respiratory Society) (Member of the Scientific Committee since 2021).
He has been awarded the ERS (European Respiratory Society) COPD Award, the Vertex Innovation Award (VIA), the Andrew P. Sage Award (IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems), S2P (SwitchToProduct). Since 2020, he is honorary Fellow of the European Respiratory Society (FERS).
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