09:00 Welcome Desk & Registration (09:00 - 09:30)
09:30 - 11:15 - Room Fenix I Opening Session - Human Enhancement Technologies in Sport
Institutional Panel - Participants:
Augusto Baganha - Portuguese Institute of Sports and Youth
José Serôdio - National Institute for Rehabilitation
José Constantino - Olympic Committee of Portugal
José Pavoeiro - Portuguese Federation of Sports for Disabled
Wolfgang Baumann - TAFISA
11:15 Coffee-Break (11:15 - 11:45)
11:45 - 12:45 - Room Fenix I Keynote Lecture Analysis of Muscle Coordination in Sports: Perspectives from Electromyography and Elastography François Hug, The University of Queensland, Australia
12:45 Lunch (12:45 - 14:15)
14:15 - 15:45 - Room Fenix I Panel - Technology in Football
Helena Costa
Bruno Esteves
Ricardo Sá Pinto
Jorge Castelo
15:45 Coffee-Break (15:45 - 16:15)
16:15 - 17:45 - Room Lira Parallel Session 1
  • 35: User-friendly Smartphone App for Heart Rate Monitoring in Sports Endurance Activities - Improving Training Control by Combining New Technologies of ANT+ and Android Hans Weghorn
  • 33: Proficiency Estimation by Motion Variability obtained from Single Camera Input Ayumi Matsumoto, Dan Mikami, Harumi Kawamura and Akira Kojima
  • 56: The Mobile Motion Advisor - An Intelligent Real-time Feedback System Arnold Baca, Philipp Kornfeind and Martin Tampier
  • 76: Application of Mobile Technologies in the Preparations for Long Distance Running Ladislav Havaš, Vladimir Medved and Zoran Skočir
16:15 - 17:45 - Room Delfim Symposium - PerSoccer
Chair: Ricardo Duarte
1st talk: Chris Carling - (2) Performance Analysis Challenges in Professional Football Practice
2nd talk: Bruno Mendes, BenficaLAB, POR
  • 3: Combining Video and Player Telemetry for Evidence-based Decisions in Soccer Håvard D. Johansen, Svein Arne Pettersen, Pål Halvorsen and Dag Johansen
  • 5: Monitoring the Mental Status of Football Players Elena Smets, Pieter Joosen, Joachim Taelman, Vasileios Exadaktylos and Daniel Berckmans
  • 1: Towards the Reflective Soccer Coach from Qualitative Approach Mohar Kassim
  • 4: The Differential Effect of the Evolving Game Status in the Passing Sequences of Top-Level European Football Teams Paulo Paixão, J. Sampaio and R. Duarte
20:30 Social Event (20:30 - 23:30)